Monday, August 22, 2011

everyone else feels the same

I have slowed the time
with my bothered thoughts
and I am collecting the days scenes
as they flash against the sky
in my mind..
there are regrets of things said
realizations of my fragility
and tired I have become
of facing these days
as if they would kill me
how i could not see passed it
but i lived it in real time
and felt frustrated with
my hearts choosing
all the while the sun still
shined and no one loved me less
so it reminds me
that God could very well
still like me
even today

the rim of crimson existenc

I believe the rim shining

In the crimson


Has its eye on me

I stagger with


Of trying

too much..

Too little of

Letting go,

I sometimes

forget I can

bust open

And gush out red


Sunday, August 21, 2011

knowing my language

my voice muttered through

the realms of cluttered air

I could say

anything in

the privacy of my mind

without the sound

of throat and

distracted tones

I cried real things suppressed 

and confessed my

turmoil in silence

and quiet


there is not a peace i find

than here in

the chamber

of grace where you

hear me

and know the machinery

of my being

and every time I come and kneel

You make sense of

all that that I cannot say...

everything is not important

I saw the sky unravel its
thick grey
they parted and blue
poured out its hope
and there was no need
for answers nor
evidence amongst trembling
breaths and
I was ok with not
knowing everything..

Sunday, August 14, 2011


my mind stretches

and still I find
neglected things


under folds of feeling

just when I
don't want it to

how inches of me

become tried

and stirred

things revealed

come to me
"will you be

honest with me"


Unfitting how there is

not a line to tell of

this moment

how I arrest my

heart to this..

and no artful


can convey the
many silences

of my soul

and it's still
unfitting in 

this place

when I know 

moments belong
only to the 


of being