Wednesday, February 16, 2011

out of the forest

Into the forest of darkness
I went...
and I knew no light beyond the
leaves of the trees
as I wrote on each leaf
I wrote on rocks and dust
my despair
I grieved in a muster
of imaginations and believed
each of the voices
treacherous with their accusations
and my heart began to discolor
and decay ...
into the breath of hauntings
which filled me many days into years
ruthless into the plunge of lost
so I roamed half of me
throughout the beneath; the dome
of black shadows hover
had I have known the depths of broken
the remnants, stained on crevices not yet cleaned
for here the wind blows an opening
separating leaves consuming the stale darkness
and yellow, no ....white
streams breaks forth the glistening upon leaves.
whence came Heaven I cannot recall
the moment of saving, the recovery
in an instance
though I know my way through the forest
with lighted steps in the mud
each passing of whispers, each wincing move away
from the too well-known
they piece together
pieces of me gather themselves
as leaves fall slowly
and softly makes it to the ground
and there in a truth I have not faced
a break and a cry
the light begins it's healing

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